You can leave delivery instructions before placing your order. It is recommend that you be home or have them shipped to your work as they are live animals. We can have the package held at Post Office if you want. It is best to be home when package arrives however, you don’t need to be there. Do I need to be home when my package arrives? They need to be in bedding of either oats or wheat bran and need a moisture source such as a sliced apple, carrot or potatoes.ģ. Superworms should be kept between 70 and 80 degrees. Please contact us within 24 hours of delivery with any problems, or 1 hour on dead on arrival. We 100% guarantee live delivery, so if any problems occur during transit, we will ship replacement worms. We have a high success rate for worms arriving at their destination alive and well. We ship worms Monday to Wednesday, Thursday(FedEx overnight only) to ensure delivery before Sunday so they are not left in transit on Sunday.

We ship nationwide with USPS 1-3 day priority mail, and FedEx overnight or 2nd day air so your worms will not be in transit very long. How do you ship worms to survive transit? If you're searching for live superworms for sale, we have them in different cup sizes to meet your pet's needs.1. Provide your cold-blooded companions with some nutritional food If you notice that your pet bearded dragon or leopard gecko likes superworms over other feeders, try not to offer these bugs for a week or two. Many superworms for sale are kept for breeding, and it's relatively easy once you get the hang of it. They are not worms but larvae stage of an insect called Zophobas morio, which is a darkling beetle. Live superworms can even be used to encourage certain behaviors from your reptile! But it's best to give them a superworm every once in a while since it can make your pets favor it over other more nutritional bugs. Yummy feeders that are addicting to your pet lizards

These are excellent options for feeding your pets because they are easy to store and use and can also be used as treats or rewards. Super worms are also rich in protein, the necessary nutrients your pet reptiles need to stay healthy. Turtles, lizards, salamanders, birds and frogs all eat superworms. They have a slightly softer exoskeleton than mealworms and are much larger. They are a rich source of nutrition that can also provide hydration to your pet lizards. 2.50 24.00 Superworms Clear Add to cart SKU: N/A Category: Worms Description Additional information Reviews (0) Superworms resemble a very large mealworm. the effectivity of superworms to digest plastic and styrofoam. docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Superworms are a delicious feeder for pet reptiles, such as turtles, bearded dragons, baby geckos, and more. superworms - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.